Sunday, 28 May 2017

Semester 4 Office Management (Entry 2)

Assalamualaikum, so after a week, I'm finally back here to update another entry for semester 4. Never knew my 5 months' sem break would be this busy lmao anyway, let's get started! :)

Kursus Utama

Office Software Applications; OBM255
Ni subject yang paling paling paaaaaling saya suka!!! Subject ni tak banyak theory, mostly hands-on which I really love! *3x heart eyes emoji*

Okay so assessments semua pun hands on. Assignment pertama yang dapat ialah Desktop Publishing (DTP) Assignment. Untuk assignment ni, korang akan diajar untuk guna Microsoft Publisher. Tak ramai tahu pun Publisher wujud. Untuk nak terer guna software ni, korang boleh search Youtube. Serious tak rugi belajar guna software ni. Dengan software ni jugak akan memudahkan korang untuk buat subject ENT300 nanti kalau tak reti guna photoshop. Dengan menggunakan Microsoft Publisher, anda dapat hasilkan brochure, flyers, business cards, dan macam-macam lagi! DTP assignment will need you to create a newsletter, brochure and flyer. Ikutlah kreativiti masing-masing nak hias macam mana asalkan ikut rubrics yang lecturer dah kasi okay ;) so, saya kasilah contoh hasil tangan saya kalau korang tak faham saya tengah cakap apa ahaksss

Saya rasa saya buat cantik. Kalau chuolls rasa buruk maaflah ya. Ni je mampu. Saya bukan budak seni kah! Tak tidur malam lah jugak buat benda ni.

Assignment seterusnya ialah HTML assignment. Ni pun sama, ramai yang bersengkang mata demi menyiapkan assignment ni. HTML assignment ni bestttt jugak sebab kita akan belajar coding guna html untuk buat website. Kalau yang berpengalaman ada blog tu, anda beruntung sebab dah ada basic sikit-sikit. Sikit jelah tak banyak pun ahaks

Daripada HTML yang panjang-panjang guna notes dan save as .html sahaja,
anda akan dapat hasilkan website seperti di bawah!
Menarik bukan? ;) *Click gambar untuk preview*

Assignment yang lain, kita akan belajar macam mana nak guna Microsoft Project which is useful untuk manage sesuatu event seperti event kahwin. Selain itu, kita akan belajar untuk buat database menggunakan Microsoft Access. Susah saya nak terangkan semua dekat sini, takut nanti korang takyah masuk uni, dah boleh graduate terus pulak kan :p

Subject ni takde exam, quiz dan segala macam. Assignments yang saya cakap kat atas tu jelah yang akan menentukan carry marks korang nanti. Cumanya, korang akan ada common test pada kelas terakhir nanti.

Saya suka subject ni bukan je sebab dia banyak hands-on tapi sebab saya rasa time subject ni je, satu kelas akan berinteraksi antara satu sama lain. Rasa macam bonding antara classmates makin kukuh. Subject ni buat kita orang untuk tanya antara satu sama lain, pusing satu kelas tengok orang lain punya kerja sebab nak compare just to check whether kerja kita betul ke tak. So tu je kot untuk subject ni :D

Behavior in Organizations; OBM260
Untuk subject ni pulak, dia mainly theories. Kita akan belajar pasal organizational behaviour (of course), emotions, attitude, stress and motivation in the workplace, team dynamics dan power. I can't say much about this subject sebab taktau nak cakap apa haha Generally, subject ni pasal tingkah laku pekerja dekat tempat kerja. Macam pasal pekerja yang stress, macam mana performance pekerja boleh dikaitkan dengan rewards, pasal motivation theories, ada learned need theories dan banyak lagilah! Subject ni akan ada tiga tests, 1 group project + presentation dan exam. Kalau test tu senanglah jugak kot sebab soalan semua memang sebiji je macam apa yang ada dalam slides tapi still kena belajar betul-betul. Takyah beli buku teks pun takpe tapi kalau lecturer saya, dia suruh semua group sekurang-kurangnya ada sorang yang ada buku teks. Tapi seperti biasa, exam memang akan ada soalan yang kita pun taktahu nak jawab macam mana, so jawab jelah ikut kefahaman kita, atau dengan kata lain, hentam. Sekian.

Kursus Bukan Utama

Computer and Information Processing; CSC134
Untuk subject ni, kita akan ada kelas theory dan lab. Untuk kelas saya, lecturer theory dengan lab, berbeza. Maknanya ada dua lecturers untuk subject ni. Kalau kelas theory, semestinyalah kan, belajar theory je. Belajarlah lebih mendalam pasal komputer. Pasal apa itu USB, apa benda dalam USB or pasal input and output devices. Korang akan belajar macam-macam pasal komputer. Jenis-jenis printer, jenis-jenis storage, kamera, jenis discs, softwares and all that. Belajar pasal internet, virus, RAM dan bermacam-macam lagi. Saya rasa subject ni lebih kurang Biology! Bezanya Bio pasal manusia dan subject ni pasal komputer. Secara keseluruhannya, urmm bestlah jugak (kot) sebab dapat tahu pasal semua benda yang saya tak pernah nak ambik tahu sebab saya tak minat haha lelaki minatlah kot dah semua benda pasal komputer :p tapi kalau belajar rajin-rajin, bolehlah score tests. Kalau tak rajin, rajinkanlah diri ya ;)

Untuk kelas lab, of course saya suka sebab benda ni pun hands-on jugak! Kita akan belajar macam mana nak guna Microsoft Words, cara nak buat Table of Contents dan segala aspects tu kita boleh tekan je dari Table of Contents dan dia akan terus bawak kita ke page yang kita nak tengok tu. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say here hehe Lepas tu pulak, kita akan belajar guna spreadsheet, Microsoft Excel. Dapatlah belajar macam mana nak guna benda-benda dalam Excel tu. Nak buat charts, graphs, calculation dan sebagainya. Kita juga akan belajar pasal Microsoft Presentation. Macam mana nak letak video, nak buat page pertama slides yang ada bermacam-macam topics dari slides lain dan dari slide pertama tu jugak, kita boleh click topic mana yang kita nak tengok. So, dia akan terus skip ke slide yang kita tekan tadi. Tak main dah tekan arrow kanan kiri tu kekeke dengan kata lainnya, kita akan belajar macam mana nak link kan satu slide ke slides yang lain. Saya harap awak fahamlah sebab saya pun tak faham apa yang saya cakap huhu maafkan diri ini :(
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So, I guess that is it for this semester, semester ni ada 3 je exams, tapi busy dia, dari awal sem sampai ke habis tak pernah nak sudah! ihiks THANK YOU FOR READING, ALL THE BEST GUYS!

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Semester 4 Office Management (Entry 1)

Assalamualaikum you guys :D how are y'all doing? I hope you're doing amazing today ;) So, to sum this semester up, I think this semester had been great! I literally had fun getting to learn more about everything! Remember how we had 8 subjects last semester? That seemed like a lot wasn't it? Well, for this actual semester we're having only 6! And y'all must think it's such a relief that the subjects y'all have to take are getting lesser. But hey, this semester was much busier than I thought. In fact, it was much busier than last semester. I mean, at least that was what my friends and I thought. But, I really hope you guys could handle this semester much easier. I mean, this semester wasn't that hard, it's just that you're going to get really busy at some point. Bila busy, busy gila! Bila tak busy, bosan gila because then you will have nothing to do AT ALL. All in all, you're going to have a lot of fun this semester as the subjects are getting more and more interesting and you will have to work with your friends better. No worries though, I think everyone in my batch did great this semester. Rasanya ramai dekan sem ni, so you just gotta put in your best effort to get the same excellent results :D

Kursus Universiti

Foundation Arabic (Level II); TAC151
Untuk Arab sem ni, dia lebih kurang sem lepas je. Akan ada writing, listening, reading dan roleplay. Bezanya, ayat-ayat yang kita akan belajar kali ni, dah bukan macam sem lepas. Sem lepas banyak belajar satu-satu ayat pendek je, tapi sem ni, dah macam karangan. No worries, kita takyah buat karangan pun, ayat dalam buku je yang macam karangan sebab dia berperenggan. Tapi karangan pendek jelah. Tiga perenggan macam tu :p Arab kali ni, kita akan belajar pasal kampung, hobi, ibu kota, kenderaan, shopping dan peperiksaan. So vocabularies arab kita akan bertambah sem ni! Best ke best? :p

Side note: Nasib baik tau ustazah iolls tak jadi pindah sem ni, kalau tak satu kelas dah murung dah sebab ustazah kita orang dahlah best! Kalau ustazah baca ni, mesti ustazah happy hahahah okay, maybe not :p

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship; ENT300
Untuk subject ENT ni, rasanya dia akan berbeza untuk setiap orang. Ikut lecturer korang macam mana. So, saya cerita pasal pengalaman saya jelah ya :3 Selalunya lecturer akan lebih focus dekat group project sebab group project tu berpandukan buku teks tu je. Maknanya, sambil belajar kena buat apa untuk group project, sambil tu belajar topics dalam buku teks. Macam mana tah nak cakap haha apa yang kita belajar dalam buku teks tu adalah apa yang kita akan buat untuk group project. ENT300 ni persiapkan kita untuk buat business plan. Akan ada Administration, Marketing, Operations dan Financial Plan. Dia lebih kurang mock meeting kita haritu, cuma ni bukan meeting. Ni macam kita nak perkenalkan bisnes kita pada orang.

Kalau dekat kampus Jengka, bila awal-awal study week nanti korang takleh balik sebab akan ada presentation ENT. Tapi lepas dah present nanti mestilah boleh balik kalau korang nak ;p Time ni, semua course akan berkumpul dekat dewan yang sama untuk present sebab semua course jugak ambik subject ENT300. Tapi lain course, lain sem yang ambik ENT. Macam untuk OM, semestinya sem 4. Untuk course Civil Engineering, dorang sem 2 dah ambik ENT. Kalau course Accountancy dengan Science, sem 5 dan blablabla. Time ni, kenalah pasang banner company masing-masing dan akan ada panel yang akan evaluate company korang. Cara penyampaian setiap group member dan sama ada bisnes kita mampu untuk melangkah jauh.

Setiap orang akan ada jawatan memasing, dari General Manager ke Marketing Manager sampailah ke Finance Manager and etc. Kalau mock meeting dulu kita focus dekat department sendiri je, ENT pulak, kita kena focus dekat semua department. Maknanya, setiap group member kena take part in every department. Kena pakar dalam semua bidang. Tak boleh macam, "Ni department kau, so kau buat sendiri sesorang." NO, it should be, "Ni department kau, tapi aku pun kena take part untuk buat, dan aku kena tolong dan aku pun kena faham department ni buat apa." Sama jugak macam "Ni department aku, tapi kau kena tolong dan kau kena faham department ni pasal apa jugak." Ni applicable bila nak buat business plan which is your projectlah, bila present nanti, semua kena pakar department sendiri. Takleh nak harapkan orang dah, you yang kena explain dekat panel, department you buat apa untuk company you. Kalau panel tanya soalan pasal department you, you should know nak jawab apa. Usually if you know about your department good enough, you akan confident untuk jawab soalan-soalan panel. So, make sure you tahu you buat apa, jangan lost. Tapi kalau lost, group members kenalah tolong. Markah sama-sama kan :p

Jadinya, pilihlah group members yang you confident akan tolong dan memudahkan kerja you. Bukan group members yang suka lepas tangan, last-last, semua department, you yang kena buat sorang. Kalau salah ke apa, dorang salahkan you jugak padahal dorang tak contribute apa-apa. Tak semestinya dia best friend you, dia akan jadi group member yang bagus. So, just be honest with yourself. If you think your best friend can't help you with your group projects, then find other group members or the least you could do is to tell them how you feel. It is that easy, don't bottle it up honey ;)

Satu je tip saya, pilih General Manager yang bertauliah dan bertanggungjawab. Yang tahu apa jadi, yang memang jenis suka ambik tahu semua benda, yang tak lepas tangan, yang memang mampu jadi ketua lah senang cerita. Selalu awal-awal, orang akan kasi jawatan General Manager dekat orang yang dorang rasa takleh buat kerja sebab rasa macam General Manager takyah buat apa-apa. Tapi sebenarnya bila present nanti, General Manager yang kena tahu semua department. In this case, dia kira macam bos lah. Kalau bos tak tahu apa yang jadi kat company sendiri, background company semua, tak ke you rasa macam company tu tak mampu pergi jauh?

ENT ni senang dia bila test lah sebab ada satu test je iaitu mid sem test and test ni takde subjektif pun. Ada soalan ABCDE dengan true and false je. Mid sem test masuk dari chapter 1-6 only I think. So, belajarlah betul-betul. Jaga markah test ni biar dapat A :D Tapi time exam nanti ada subjektif, untuk chapter 7-11 je. Chapter 1-6 still ABCDE and true and false time exam :)

Kursus Elektif

English for Workplace Communications; ELC270
I poor you guys because you still have to take English this semester haha well, this subject is quite fun to be honest. You will not have to sit for any tests or exams but you will surely have some assessments to work on. They are just mainly practical. You will have an individual presentation, role play and proposal. I'm not certainly sure how this subject works 'cause some of our assessments literally differ from other classes' so I can't really tell if my assessments will be the same as yours.

For the individual assessment, we(my class) had to choose a public listed company(you can search them on Google) and of course, everyone had to choose a different company. From that company, we had to know the company background, organizational chart, mission and vision, their products and services and so on. We definitely had to present it in front of the whole class. That was not much of a problem since we could find all those information easily on Google. So, let's move on to the next one.

The role play;
You will be divided into groups and each group will represent a certain company. Some classes could either film it or do the role play in front of the whole class. But for my class, always the unfortunate ones, we could only do the latter. Well, it was easier I guess, because no one had to waste their sweat editing the videos, am I right or am I right ;) For this assessment, we had to act out some scenes to show the problems that we had pointed out in our portfolio. Yes, this role play has to come together with a portfolio. In the portfolio, you will have to state the problems that the companies have caused or faced. We searched all the customer complaints on Google and put it in our portfolio. Your portfolio should be in an outline form. Exactly the outline that you have learned last semester. Therefore, the portfolio wasn't much of a burden because at least it was not in an essay form right ;)

The proposal;
Well, it is normal to be clueless at first. But, your lecturer will surely explain how you should write your proposal. It is a group project if you can't tell :p Just follow the guidelines that your lecturer has provided for you. You will have to propose something that can cause convenience to the company; which can help to improve a situation for either their employees or customers.

First, you will have to find the problems. For example, the employees do not know other personnel from other departments and their employees are not healthy emotionally and physically. So from that, you can propose the company to build a gymnasium for example. And then you will have to state the objectives, procedures, budget and all that in order to justify the relevance of your proposal. Lastly of course, you will have to present the proposal in front of the whole class; offf course.
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So I guess that's it for this entry, I will definitely update entry 2 soon, probably around today, I'm not sure yet, so thank you for reading, peace out :*